"Mit allen guten Geistern"
Du hast den Eindruck, du bist blockiert, dein Odem kann nicht richtig fließen oder du wünschst dir einen umfassenden energetischen Impuls auf allen Ebenen deines Seins?
Dann lade ich dich zu einem ODEM READING ein.
In diesem Reading geht es um dein OD, deine ODKRAFT, deine LEBENSENERGIE.
The Reading
Nordic mythology says that Odin was the one who breathed life energy into people. In Holland, people believe that every breath of wind that rustles the leaves in the trees is a message from Odin. I like this idea very much. It shows us that something divine not only surrounds us but also flows through us.
In our everyday stress, with problems, strokes of fate, entanglements and helplessness, our breath can get stuck and lose its natural balance.
This thought reminded me of the Far Eastern chakra teachings and I liked the idea of combining this teaching with our Nordic rune magic.
Each of the 7 chakras represents a level of our life.
This creates a system of physical body, feelings, actions, relationships, communication, thinking and spirit.
In combination with the runes, which can also indicate a blockage when they are drawn upside down, we receive information, impulses and new perspectives on the levels mentioned above.
This unique reading is designed to help you connect with yourself, integrate all your levels, learn something new about yourself and reflect on your current situation.
You don't have to ask a specific question, but you can tell me about certain levels, for example if you are having difficulties with your grounding (root chakra), your motivation (solar plexus chakra), your expressiveness (throat chakra), etc.
On the internet you can find numerous examples of what the individual chakras stand for and which areas of life they cover.
Should a blockage or challenging runes appear, I will energetically bring them back into a flowing state.
You will receive valuable tips and suggestions from both the spiritual and psychological world.
You don't have to be there live, but you will receive a WhatsApp with a detailed voice and photos.
If you have any questions, please send me a WhatsApp to 0176 66991185